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Dont worry about Hocheach Tocheach. I dont remember the location but I believe it is Rabbi Akiva who says in the Gemara that there was nobody in his generation great enough to be able to give Hochacha to others.

Hocheach Tocheach is a very difficult Mitzvah to do and many times its not required because there are many times it doesnt apply. So instead of being busy with that mitzvah how about being busy with dan lekaf zchus which most people dont even begin to know how to do either. Its another super tough one. I think once we master that we can then worry about Hocheach Tocheach.

It just really shocks me that we are so busy JUDGING. Its not our place to judge. Its Hashems job to judge so just remember that when you are busy judging others, you are doing Hashems job which is sort of like saying that you think you are God which is Avodah Zara. Do you see how serious it is?

missme, this is NOT directed at you it is at all those who think they are in a position to judge people.