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It’s very convienient to blame everything on the goyish environment, but that is a bunch of hullabaloo. The pasuk says “or lagoyin n’saticha” yidden were never meant to live in a ghetto. Most of everything that his heals so near and dear to what is called the mesorah nowadays has goyish influence in it. Black hats are from a style generally disabanded by goyim now,. Streimels were modeled after nobility hats. Plenty of foods have very similar goyish counterparts. Scotch, beer and other alchaholic drinks are goyish. I will admit that we may use some of the things in a better way, but it doesn’t negate the fact that they are goyish. If all the issues that are causing everyone palpitations along with hashkafah were taught in schools in a proper manner these issues could be less. But as the educational system is set up now, kids are taught it’s assur. doesn’t matter what the question is or that there may be cholkim, it’s assur. Kids are not taught reasons, including historical, behind certain minhagim and chumrahs. So if a kid is bombarded all day with it being assur and you’re a shaigetz if you do it, they start loosing faith and say I’m a shaigetz cause I do x, y or z so why should I bother, or everybidy else is doing it and they get honored by all the tzedakas for there wonderful help, so it must not be so assur. There is a generation or more of hypocritical kids, and it’s not getting better.