Reply To: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel Reply To: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel


Helpful, I have actualy written a helpful few ideas throughout this thread.

But as I don’t have patience go through the thread again and copy the posts, let me just pare it down into one word EDUCATION.

Eduacte the women how important it is and how HONORED we are to have this mitzva of tznius. From a different thread where someone posted meforshim I see meforshim refer to kol kefuda bas melech penuma as meaning the TZNIUS of a women is her HONOR. A woman should not be ostentatious rather refined and aidel in every manner, not just dress.

We should teach that women who are pritzus are acting in a cheap manner and degrading themselves.

Education for girls need to start when they are very young, pre-school age. It should be second nature to these girls when they grow up. Teaching tznius IS an ESSENTIAL part of chinuch.