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Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel Reply To: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel


Whoever wrote against publications including me were reffering to secular publications. I was asking you about Hamodia to prove that there are publications that cannot be considered tumei, even if you don’t agree with their hashkofos. Yated may be another example. There is nothing to consider tumei about them. They are NOT sources of tumah and therefore your question of However, you’re using “tumah” in more of a hashkafic sense, to mean improper and something you wouldn’t want to be around. In that respect, I suppose anything can be tamei. doesn’t apply. Because there are PLENTY of things in life that cannot be considered tumei even if you don’t agree exactly with their hashkofos. Immoral images and articles are sources of tumah. I don’t have to elaborate, you know what I mean. I would hardly call the Yated “immoral”.

No one was talking against Yated, Hamodia or any such publication.

The bottome line is do you agree that the BASIC hashkafos of a frum Jew means that they would not willingly bring into their homes immoral images or articles or read publications where immoral images cannot be skirted ?