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“Your contradicting yourself here.”

You are right (GASP!), because I was unclear in my statement. I believe strongly that Hashem gave us the laws to follow as HE explained them to Moshe Rabbeinu on Har Sinai. I believe His intent/command to us was to keep us holy. I also know He gave permission to our chachomim to enact gedarim, gedarim that THEY believe will ULTIMATELY fulfill His intent (though some of them may take an extreme and overly-cautious view in some regards), by keeping us away from things Hashem did not necessarily asser on us, but which they nonetheless (rightly)may have feared could potentially lead us astray.

It might not have been Hashem’s own intent regarding those issues (i.e. Hashem does not really care if a dress is black or green, or purple), but He gave the chachomim the right to pasken and interpret the halachos with the additional gedarim, to help preserve the holiness of Hashem’s original intention, which is to keep us a holy nation. But there is a wide latitude within the frum continuum, and not all rabbonim view all issues the same way, hence we have shivim panim l’Torah, all of them there to help fulfill Hashem’s intent, and none of them in 100% agreement.