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I never said its the only but without knowing statistics, I would guess that that amount of “ultra” religious (any religion)are more moral than the average guy on the street.

What you say about first hand experience is true, but even though I may have never tried using drugs and I know someone who has, I still have to help them stop. You walk down a street and and from the distance see someone who fell into a pit. By the time you actually get to where he is, you run to pull him out but hes not interested. (ok, this may have some flaws because that just came to me in a second) Would you just leave him there? True, it may be painful (of some sort, or lets say for a minute that it is) to be pulled out but are you gonna leave him there for the rest of his life? Even though you never experienced drugs, would you let someone stand there and take it? True, you don’t know exactly what hes going through, but it doesn’t mean you wont stop him.

This is just my opinion, you’re entitled to your own.
