Reply To: Rabbi Yitzchak Kimmel

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Rabbi Yitzchak Kimmel Reply To: Rabbi Yitzchak Kimmel


My rule; don’t trust anyone who says he is a mekubal and asks for money, as for the purported “miracles” of these charlatans, you just hear the stories that are positive. As is the case by dubious diet plans and business gimmicks, you don’t hear about those who lost everything they owned, or got sick from a dangerous diet planbecause unlike positives , negatives aren’t as vocal in they’re negativity.

There is also ample evidence that these quacks, who are just there for your money, make things up as they go along such as the story where a guys son-in-law died and at the shiva, one of these phony imposters told him “I saw in heaven that it wasn’t a good match to which the father replied” when they got engaged you said that it is a good shidduch abd kicked him out of the house

there are numerous stories just like this one where one of these con artists were exposed as mountebanks and pretenders. they have no clue what they are talking about , and prey on small minded fools who are willing to believe all the drivel about amulets and kesuba reading (which has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard) STAY AWAY FROM THESE LOW LIFE FRAUDS!!!!

*Rant finally over*