Reply To: Finding Out if It Will Be a Boy or Girl?

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Shticky Guy

Do you listen to the weather forecast?

Thats always been my argument. We are not attempting to control or change the future, just listening when someone attempts to predict what MAY happen. The 3 keys belong to H’ and only he controls. So whats wrong? My Rav told me ppl never knew the gender b4hand so why do I want to know? I said no one had the facility to know in the past, and I wanted to know for the reasons I will give below.

I personally did, that is for JIC (just in case) the birth is Thursday or Friday and it’s a boy, the shalom zachor will be ready

I did for the same reason. I also wanted to know longer in advance if I had to prepare a drasha at a bris. In the end almost all my kids were born on or over shabbos so I had plenty time for the shalom zachors.

reading the sex of a child from sonograms is subject to fallibility. It’s really hard to pick out the main difference, and mistakes can be made.

‘the main difference’? Or the only difference? How many do you know of?

‘mistakes can be made’; Someone was told they’re having a girl and they painted the bedroom pink and bought all girly outfits and stuff. She gave birth to a boy!!