Reply To: VAS License Plates on a Non-Emergency Vehicle

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues VAS License Plates on a Non-Emergency Vehicle Reply To: VAS License Plates on a Non-Emergency Vehicle


Not every emergency is authorized for lights & sirens. there are many times that i am on a emergency call where i will only turn on my lights & sirens when going through heavy traffic and immediately turn it off after i get through even though i am on a call.

If is not authorized for lights & sirens, how are you using lights & sirens for the time you are going through heavy traffic (even if you immediately turn it off after)? You are admitting to using lights & sirens against the law.

Anyways, I wasn’t talking about that scenario. I am talking about where the driver has no emergency. He simply just missed the green light and wants to chap going through the intersection, so he quickly flashes his l & s for a few seconds to get through the intersection. Or there is heavy traffic on the 17 on the way to the country, so he drives on the shoulder of the road for a few minutes to beat the traffic.

And not to repeat the parking abuse when not responding to calls.

P.S. Absolutely most members don’t abuse it. But the ones that do give everyone a black eye.