Reply To: Crazy days

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Welcome to the Coffee Room!

(Ignore “popa_bar_abba”‘s words, unless you find him funny – he’s not serious too often.)

Here are my two cents (it sounds like you’re a first-time mother):

1c) Go easy on cleaning – don’t do anything not absolutely necessary – and cooking – keep it simple.

2c) Get as much rest as you can. “Sleep when the baby sleeps,” and

consider getting someone to take care of the baby for an hour or two during the day so you can nap.

Oh. I just realized Derech Hamelech pretty much said the same thing. Consider this an affirmation.


Okay, seriously, DaasYochid? A kimpeturin says she is overworked and has no time to relax, and you tell her to be sure

to let her husband know how much she appreciates him,

and that this will make her feel better?

(I see no indication in her post that she feels unappreciated…)