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The little I know

By the way, the last kick of the door on the way out is common. Courts are aware of and expecting the wives to accuse their husbands of molesting the children as part of the divorce process. They have the freedom of making an accusation that can wreck the lives of the husbands, restrict their access to the children, and essentially satisfy their craving to take revenge. There are marriages in which enough pain has been suffered, so we might understand the desire for revenge, but that does not legitimize it, neither halachically or morally. Unfortunately, once an accusation has been made, the courts implement the full scale investigations, restricting visitation to either under supervision, or stopping it altogether. I know of cases where the children later complained that they were pressured by the mothers to fabricate accusations. So far, these mothers get away with this murder, and are not charged with the crime of making false reports.

Yes, lawyers have been known to allow this to happen, and many are deserving of disbarment. I have first hand knowledge of this, so I am not spouting rumors or frivolous accusations.

Divorce is painful, and can easily become ugly. Halevai we could see the process of dissolving marriages, when it chas veshalom needs to occur, proceed as an amicable process. It is possible. My view – lawyers and toanim enjoy the thrill of the good fight, and they make parnosoh from this. Why should they not encourage the viciousness and battles?