Reply To: Halachos of sharing recipes

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If you tried to SELL someone the recipe you found in a cookbook, that would be gneivah. Giving someone the recipe they anjoyed in your home, or one they know that you make well, is being a friend. I know people who deliberately leave out an ingredient or two, so the other person cannot possibly make the recipe as well. THAT to me is genivah (of the daas). I am delighted to share my recipes with anyone who asks me for them. And were I to write a cookbook, I hereby give everyone permission in advance to freely share my recipes.

Everyone have a gebensched, healthy, and joyous, meaningful new year, reflective of recommitment to Torah and mitzvos, as well as to AHAVAS CHINAM.

PS – catch Rocky Zweig’s pre-yom tov letter in the FJJ. it was terrific!!!