Reply To: Something I noticed a lot of people do because they probably dont know this

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Something I noticed a lot of people do because they probably dont know this Reply To: Something I noticed a lot of people do because they probably dont know this



The Ohr Hachayim Hakadosh asks in Parshas Balak, how can a curse affect a person, is he Mechuyav Misa or not? He answers that Hashem is Maarich Af, that he pushes off punishment in case the person will do Teshuva. When there is a curse on the person it causes the actual Din, that technically exists on the person, to take effect. That is the idea here, too.

Please realize that the Tanaim and Amoraim who wrote the Zohar Hakadosh and the Arizal and all other Mekubalim spent their time studying Hashem’s ways. How, and why, do you feel free to dismiss their words with the wave of a hand.