Reply To: Something I noticed a lot of people do because they probably dont know this

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Something I noticed a lot of people do because they probably dont know this Reply To: Something I noticed a lot of people do because they probably dont know this

rational jew

I think aryeh caplAn in “jewish meditation” reccomends against it since it may not allow the relaxed state nescasary to concentrate deeply in prayer. In general it is best not to cross ones hands or legs or fiddle with something or act in anyway that stems from tension since it only serves to reinforce that tension by actively admitting it is there. Even though you may feel that it calms you in reality it does the opposite eg shouting when angry you may call it venting but it just creates more tension. There are studies that support this. This may be another ta’am for lashon hara etc. The best way to relax is to act and speak in a relaxed way. Act as if things dont bother you while realizing that they shouldnt and they wont. Listening to wild music probably falls under this category it may not be assur to listen to but only serves to aggravate an angry or wild mood its like shoutin musicaly. Also screwing your face up in thought. It wont help you think but the opposite. Back to crossing fingers im no doctor but blocking the blood flow doesnt sound relaxing or comfortable although you imagine it is.