Reply To: Social anxiety

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you never mentioned whether you take any sort of medications or not. altho i never suffered from social anxiety, i did suffer from general anxiety and phobias which led to panic attacks. it randomly started when i was 22 and i was already in shidduchim and i actually once had a panic attack on a date. i went to a therapist but it didnt really help much till i got put on (the right) SSRI. once the meds built up into my system it seriously felt like all my racing “what if” thoughts just took a nap! they didnt go away completely, but they didnt make me feel overwhelmed either and once i was able to work out my issues i was able to go off the meds. depression and anxiety are very much linked together and treating one helps treat the other. altho for strict social anxiety and social situations, propranonol (sp?) is very commonly prescribed. like i said i dont know whether or not your taking any medication but if not its definitely worth asking your doctor about.