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Just this time……………………………………………

Fine, make me rewrite the whole entire THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



Dreft #2

Dear keepclimbing!!!

I totally understand how you feel, being teens we get the most amazing ability to switch feeling faster than we can think or comprehend….must be a super power or something, huh?

It’s perfectly normal to feel many things or switch feelings 24/7, It’s normal!!!! If you weren’t feeling these things, then that would be a problem….

I think you are really amazing, cuz what you are going through is making you strong, have sympathy, understanding, you know your struggles, your feelings on them, you are open to getting help, you are nice to others, you are open to many things….

Unlike the boys that are bothering you.

In 5 years, 10 years, all of you willl enter the big wide world, where things don’t quite work the way they do now. You will have tools, you have all THAT!!!! MANY THINGS THEY DON’T KNOW AND HAVE YET TO LEARN!!!

And it will take them a while to learn…if ever.

You are an amazing person, and trust me, you have NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!!!!

Just a million things wrong with his envirment.

One who has problems, and these type of disorders,is in denial, blames it on his envirement, it’s not his fault, he dosen’t have it, he’s perfectly normal…actually, he with a personality disorder would not even realize or understand that they are different.

On the other hand, I read a study that most people in their teenage years beleive they have some disorder which they don’t have, the most popular disorders that people think they might have are anxiety, personality disorders, aspregers, and ADHD.

I have a few friends that beleive themselves to have aspergers and/or a personality disorder becuase they are bullied. But they are my friends, I tell them AGAIN AND AGAIN that they are lovely people, and people love them, they are fun, daring…and their class is sure missing out….

Later in life, things will change.

I know someone who was bullied through grade school. It’s her first week of high school, and she is the most popular kid in her grade, she was always happy, funny, cute, stylish….I wonder what the problem was before….well she was like you, physically she felt inferior, less, but she dosen’t focus on it, and neither does anyone else….

After you finish reading this, go make yourself a list, of all your good qualaties…..and everytime things get hard, or that tape recorder in your brain repeats something negetive, look back and replace it with something positive….

Please talk to your parents, are they nice, loving, understanding???

If you have no valid reason (besides your fears…like a bad expirience) talking to them about something like this, than do it!!!!

If it’s too hard at first to talk, try sending them an email or leaving them a note…..

Good luck!!!

Thinking about you!!!!!!!!!