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Does anyone question a bima klop for something so personal as shidduchim? Bima Klops are for yaleh v’yavo.

The real area is in shmooze. And there is a lot to shmooze about for Roshei Yeshiva. One topic not being mentioned often is not negating the stance of the Roshei Yeshiva one way or another.

I have not been to many Yeshivas but to my knowledge most Yeshivas set up a system where people go personally (ie one on one) to discuss dating and when to get married with a rebbe or older kollel yungerman…not en masse speech (or bima klop) to many bochurim of various ages and maturity levels about specific instructions for when to get married.

And if one’s RY signed the kol koreh and has not said anything contradictory…can’t we assume (chazakah, nu?) that’s their stance. Why is there a need for additional proofs?

The Shidduch crisis or issue or whatever is complicated because every boy and every girl is their own parshah. However, general ideas being more readily acceptable that help in general terms the issue are a big step in the right direction (=dating younger or marrying an “older” girl). Reb Chaim said about marrying older/same age, many other gedolim. Is this some conspiracy by a baal habus who already married off his daughters of marital age with ease? Please. Is there any shidduch crisis by any givirim who have daughters that have pull in the Torah world? Is trying to convince people that “bochurim” (a code word unfortunately for many with immaturity) should marry earlier not something that all these intelligent people probably considered and analyzed data for before making such remarks.

Rabbi Rechnitz is the real deal. He’s not making CDs for Shmitta observers or getting his hand involved (see above etc.) in the very touchy topic of shidduchim because he’s got an agenda. Other than doing what he feels is right about a serious issue that has the full backing of most if not all of Daas Torah.

If tomorrow, there is no bima klop. You still need to say HaMelech HaKadosh. The Roshei Yeshiva don’t have to say so again.