Reply To: I'm not a kid

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I will be mekabeil the explanations being given. I personally have never observed in ANY shul that I have attended, that young bochurim or older single males were being singled out for g’lilah. So the concept of this being done “routinely” is quite foreign to me. Anything that is done in such a way as to make someone feel embarrassed (like putting me at the kids’ table at a slightly distant relative’s wedding (when I was specifically included in the wedding as a way of introducing me ot friends of the chosson), is improper. But IMO one should never feel that any action relating to the taking out or putting back the Torah, is a “slight” or a lesser kovod. It is unfortunate that ANY shul would relegate a kovod of this type only to bochurim or older singles, resulting in their finding it ultimately offensive and embarrassing, when it should never be considered as such. Would you feel the same way if Shishi were only given out to the same demographic?

I do, however, understand your point, though I am not a male.