Reply To: Kabbalah

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Let’s break this down:

There is a famous story that the Baal Shem Tov was once in the oliomus helyonim and he keep right up to Heichel Hamoshiach and he asked him when are you coming, moshiach replied when you guys start learning Kabbalah.

So, the point so far is that we should all learn Kabbalah.

Nowadays with the internet nearly on every jewish site you go on you get an option to learn Kabbalah this could be bad as you could get goyim with no connection to torah or a torah way of life learning Kabbalah

This part points out that Jewish websites that “teach Kabbalah,”

presumably in an attempt to bring Mashiach as per above, can be used by non-Jews, which is assumed to be a bad thing.

by the way there was once a story of some meshuganah who was trying to bring down angels and one day he died in some unusual sort of car crash, this is why I don't think it's good that Kabbalah has become so widespread like it is today because even not a goy lehavdil but most common jews however choshuv they may be are not on the level of a gadol and therefore should not be learning Kabbalah and especially not on any random website.

This part tells us that the average Jew should not be learning Kabbalah, so that they don’t die as a consequence of attempting to put their knowledge to practical use (as some story has it),

another point not in favor of websites that “teach Kabbalah.”

[shrugs] I think we’ll be fine. Well, at least now we know what PAA thinks we should be learning instead of a certain kind of iyun.