Reply To: Expanding on the Shidduch Crisis Math (Catastrophe)

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Expanding on the Shidduch Crisis Math (Catastrophe) Reply To: Expanding on the Shidduch Crisis Math (Catastrophe)


Statistics Statistics Statistics: This many girls will never get married—how could we say such a thing? Where is our bitachon and emunah?

You want to talk statistics? Statistically the Jews shouldn’t be around anymore at all. Look at all the great nations who tried to wipe us out. Guess what? We are still here.

Daven, have emunah and bitachon, do chesed and mitzvos, have yiras shomayim.. and leave the rest up to HaKodosh Baruch Hu.

May all those looking for a shidduch find the right one in the right time.

BTW- I am not just saying this because my daughter just got engaged. I was saying this way before she met her bashert. I still have bli ayin hara two other children to find shidduchim for – in the right time.

Hatzlacha to everyone.

Kesiva V’Chasima Tova!