Reply To: Halichos Bais Yaakov/Bnos Chana

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I for one find it odd that all the ppl who commented have accounts that were all just created or cant be found.

and they all sound like advertisements for the school. and I agree with mitzvoslover. I have heard that a lot of the girls there have issues that make it hard fro a healthy girl to have an awesome yr.

as to everyone whos saying that a girl who wants to get to yerushalaym and the kotel can. you cannot compare it to living there. how often can they possibly travel? unless theyre never in class. in yerushalyim a short break is enough time to get there and back for most locations. and you can go at night. also you cant possibly compare the environment of rbs to yerushalayim. its worlds apart and the kedusha in yerushalyim is amazing and cant be compared!!!! yes theres other stuff going on but a girl who wants that will easily find it in rbs without a problem.

momonabudget please please consider your daughters future without only thinking of finances. the school makes a huuuuge difference and its imperetive that it be a good fit for her. hatzlacha rabah!!!