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A bochur once went to R’ Elya Lopian zt”l, asking him if for permission to miss Yeshiva and go to a wedding. It turned out that the wedding was mixed. The bochur said to R’ Elya: “I’ll sit on the side with a Sefer, and I won’t be ????”.

R’ Elya turned to him and shouted: “I am eighty years old, and blind in one eye, yet i walk in the street with my head lowered towards the ground so that I shouldn’t ?”? be ????. You are a healthy teenager – how can you possibly assure yourself that you will not be ?????”

I think there is an earlier source for this story: “?? ????? ????? ?? ??? ????”.

Even the ??? ?’ ????? was once walking with thousands of Talmidim, and the Satan appeared on a tree disguised as a beautiful woman. R’ Akiva actually began climbing the tree to do an ?????, before controlling himself. And this is in public, the ??? ?’ ????? and UP A TREE.

I personally don’t understand anybody who would put themselves into a situation of nisayon.