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(The below is not necessarily a recipe I use, just stereotyping)

Woman’s cholent:

1 sm sauteed onion in 1 T. oil until light brown

1/2 lb. meat

1 cup cholent beans

1/2 cup barley

3 potatoes

1 clove garlic

1 T. paprika

1 tsp salt

1/4 tsp black pepper

enough water to cover ingredients

Allow to simmer for __ hrs

Bochur’s cholent:

2 onions sauteed until very dark brown (keep on low flame while at night seder)

When you come “home” from night seder add the following ingredients:

1/2 cup cholent beans (not more because EVERY jewish man has stomach issues)

1 cup barley

3 potatoes

some paprika

a lot of hot paprika

sprinkle salt all over until there is a layer of “snow”

bbq sauce, and/or ketchup squished in a generous squiggle

any kind of hot spices you can find

Add water and let cook over night and until after morning seder on friday (does that exist?)

Ah! It’s taka, mamish a mechaya!