Reply To: Giyur and today's daf

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We do not paskin like that man daamar rather we paskin kulum gereim!

Sure, B’dieved, if you weren’t Bodek. But we do see that we do not allow Geirm to get the benefits of their Geirus, if there is a Chashash that is their purpose. In EY or one who wants to move to EY (As opposed to CA’s good point), where there are significant benefits to being “Jewish”, why is this not taken into account.

Which brings me to the Giyur bill. This bill, even if it does create people who are halachicly Geirim (which may be questioned), is an unqualified bad idea. It does however solve a rooted problem in Israel, that people want to get married and can’t because one party is not Jewish (or Muslim or Christian), so they get married in Cyprus or not at all.

I believe the counter-proposal should be that instead of solving the problem by creating questionable geirim, allow people who want a “civil union” to go ahead and do so outside of the religious requirements.
