Reply To: Yavam inheriting father who was a ger

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Patur Aval Assur

“Deni (levi) is also dead. The issue is whether there was a zika back when he was alive. Who cares? Because deni (levi) had meanwhile married achos zekukaso and had kids and we want to know if they’re pagum.

So if you pay yorin (shimon) the loan, people will think he can be meyabeim kilonia (the yevama), and that that lmafrea nullifies the zika that deni (levi) had.”

I think this is your best answer so far, but I think it still has a few issues. First of all, I don’t think it nullifies it lemafrea. Even if it does, achos zekukaso is only d’rabanan so the kids wouldn’t be mamzerim anyway. Also, if Deni had kids then lichora his kids would inherit the loan. Now you could say the same answer without using lemafrea – Rovi died and then Kulso does yibum to Kilonia and then Deny marries Chorga. Then Deny dies and then Tanpi dies. In reality Kulso’s yibum was invalid and therefore Chorga was Deny’s achos zekukaso all along. But if the borrower repays the loan to Kulso then people will think that Kulso’s yibum was valid and that therefore Deny’s marriage to Chorga was not achos zekukaso. However this tweak would only address my first issue.