Reply To: How does the legend of Icarus resonate in the Torah?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee How does the legend of Icarus resonate in the Torah? Reply To: How does the legend of Icarus resonate in the Torah?


(I just noticed that Balance posted this a

day before DaMoshe and I said anything:

“Oomis – interesting connection

I think the goal was different for Bavel than Icarus”)

Randomex – I understand that everything orginates from the Torah (even warped Greek myths) – and was looking for a root.

Everything that exists in the world has its source in Torah – but a myth, objectively speaking, does not exist. If we assume, for example, that it would be foolish to ask where we see a parallel to (or inspiration for) Batman in the Torah, what reason is there to grant the myths of ancient Greece any more significance?

Furthermore, if a story was created in order to teach an idea which is not the truth, we would certainly not expect to find a source for the idea in the Torah. Should we assume that Greek mythology’s ideas are true?

I simply don’t see much value in this type of inquiry…

(It might well be interesting, though.)