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000646 –

“1.) If HIV had been circulating in the American population for 10-30 years before it was recognized quarantining a couple thousand people would not have done anything. The amount of people that would have to be quarantined after a virus has been circulating that long would be astronomical and it would be just about impossible to track down everyone who may have been infected and quarantine them”

Unfortunately you are in Denial. For most of those years -there was only a handful. Come into the 80’s -still there was only a few thousand. The Gov. knew which group(s) of people were at risk. They could have demanded testing in those groups. And anyone testing pos. would have been quarantined. This would have the effect of, at least 3/4 that got Aids, wouldn’t have gotten It!

“2.) Looking at people’s passports won’t help because of the reasons I listed above. In order to have an affective quarantine you would need to quarantine not only West Africans but also anyone who had contact with one or with anyone who had contact with someone who had contact with one etc. it’s simply not possible.”

Why must I repeat to you over & over? I wrote -if the US would implement such a policy, many countries would follow suit! Even if some of the countries wouldn’t do it, many would. And this would diminish the risk many fold!