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000646 -“1.) Regarding HIV: The infections you mentioned were observed in a very diverse population and had been occurring for decades. Just because AIDS was clinically diagnosed in a certain population does not mean that it was endemic to that population, you are assuming that it was. What is your assumption based on?”

You don’t read my posts or you don’t understand them! Hiv is a virus -therefore anybody who contacts this virus -gets it. HIV became endemic in the 80’s, despite your denial.

“Also forcing everyone who had used intravenous drugs or touched a body fluid of an intravenous drug user in a decade to submit for testing is very unrealistic.”

At that time there was very few people with Aids. Anybody from the At-risk population should have been tested. Most people would go voluntarily. Those that wouldn’t -there are options to deal with them.

“2.) Regarding Ebola I don’t think that West Africans “should” be able to come here. If it would be possible to keep ebola out of the USA with travel bans I would be very pro them.”

Again noone said you can prevent – For certain the Ebola virus from coming here!

Why are you making it an All or None situation?