Reply To: #ad maasai!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee #ad maasai! Reply To: #ad maasai!

Sam Klein

BDE what a tragedy to hit klal yisroel.

Have we not had enough non-stop tzaros in the past year?

Has klal yisroel come together-as a nation-yet to do teshuva?

then what do we expect?

with tears in my eyes, I beg everyone-myself included-to wakeup & do teshuva-together as a nation-how much worse must the situation get (parts of my siddur are waterlogged from tears of non stop crying for klal yisroel) when will we finally wake up & return to Hashem as a nation together? have we not had enough tzaros in the past few years of non-stop horrific tragedies?


May all neshamas have an Aliya