Reply To: Rechnitz – There is no Shidduch Crisis

Home Forums Shidduchim Rechnitz – There is no Shidduch Crisis Reply To: Rechnitz – There is no Shidduch Crisis


What I take issue with, in all these discussions and searches for solutions concerning the so-called Shidduch “crisis” is: WHERE IS THE EMUNAH?! Where is the belief that everything comes from Hashem?! When Hashem decides it’s time to send someone their Zivug (and let’s not forget that everyone has a Zivug), then you’re going to get married! No such thing as a Shidduch crisis! Having to wait for your Bashert is merely a heart-wrenching Nisayon but a Nisayon, like many other difficult Ones, nevertheless ! Why isn’t there a movement to solve the infertility “crisis” as well, for those couples going thru that heartbreak?! Because the answer is simple: the only thing that can help solve ANY crisis, is Tefillah. Rabbi Ezriel Tauber, shlita, once said in a Shiur I was at, “A single can technically sit and twiddle his thumbs, and he won’t get married any later than if he runs after every Shadchan in the world !” The only reason we do our (reasonable, not excessive!) Hishtadlus is because Hashem commands us to, but in reality, our Hishtadlus accomplishes nothing! Hashem is controlling it all, we are merely puppets. The only solution to the Sidduch crisis and others is Emunah and Tefillah. Period.