Reply To: Girl I want to get engaged to wants me to change my Rabbi

Home Forums Shidduchim Girl I want to get engaged to wants me to change my Rabbi Reply To: Girl I want to get engaged to wants me to change my Rabbi

🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

RebbeDovid1- Did you chose your rav because of your gratitude towards him, or his competence? If it was due to hakaras hatov, I’d tell you to reevaluate your decision on whether he should be paskening shailos for you. This girl feels that based on what she heard from him, she does not feel he is a competent rav. She does not plan on controlling you, which is why she did not tell you to take another rav. She however, for shailos which she will want to ask a rav, does not trust him to be the one to answer. You may not be sensitive enough to understand what was “off” with your rav’s remark, or she may be too sensitive. That’s irrelevant here.