Reply To: Seminar


The uniform is pretty chill. You need to wear a button-down shirt with a collar, and color/pattern. Officially only solid dark color sweaters/shirts over that, but at a certain point in the year nobody cares any more. Dark pleated skirts, short or long (although if your skirt’s too short you will probably get “skirted”), any shoes. They don’t care about your makeup or jewelry.

Electronics: reaaalllly strict. Anybody found with a smartphone/iPod touch etc. is in major trouble.

Curfew: officially 10:15 but if you need late curfew you just call an aim habayit and ask. They’ll usually give you till 12 depending on your reputation/the reason/which aim habayit you’re talking to. In the beginning of the year they are really into curfew but at a certain point it’s pretty much a free-for-all.

Dorm: on a scale of 1-10 I’d put the conditions at a 6. You learn to live with it. 3 floors, not including the ground floor where the kitchen and lounge/library is. Always enough showers/bathrooms which is a big plus. 4-6 girls a room, each girl gets a filing cabinet and a big drawer for their stuff. Bunkbeds. There is a lounge/library downstairs where you can chill and there are hammocks on the roof, which is cool. The food is awesome and insanely fattening.