Reply To: Seminar


So not! Kayla1994, you talk like you were there in 1994,you’re not updated at all..I was just in Seminar and the dorm is gorgeous. They have a student lounge on each floor, so there’s always someplace to go, with couches and computer/printer . There’s a separate computer room on the main floor with email access, no internet access anywhere, and a gorgeous lounge and library on the dining room floor. A very nice piano, I play, so I ought to know.

Also they renovated the dorm and made new bathrooms and showers, gorgeous..there’s always hot water, most dorms have only a few hours a day.

My sister said they’re installing a/c in the dorms now.

The place is spotless, they clean it all the time.

And they have a lot of work so there’s not that much free time, but the pressure’s not bad, except of course, certain times of year.

They got pretty strict on the dress code and other stuff, not sure what you’re talking about that they forget, they really don’t.

The staff is always there for you, really amazing.

Our teachers are the Guest Speakers in other seminaries.

They’re having a great year, I visited recently, and it was so great to see Mrs. Flam and Mrs. Weichleder and all the others. I actually went twice so I could see everyone.

They really care and it’s the best place.

You’ll have a great year, and really take it with you. Good luck If you have any other questions, I’ll gladly answer.

Oh and I forgot about the Shabbatonim..They are beyond. They just went on a SHabbaton (my sisters there now) and they were there from Thursday, it was gorgeous and the girls had an amazing time.theyre very generous..with everything,