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If forced to fight to survive, haredim would, but there are usually alternatives. At the time there were really no Torah centers outside of Israel (those wanting to learn Torah in Bavel and Egypt turned to Israel, and political conditions in Egypt and Bavel were problematic anyways). Under current conditions, hareidim would flee Eretz Yisrael rather than go to war with the hilonim.

Remember that at the time of the Hashmonaiim, the problem was primarily with the secular Jews who when defeated called in their Greek sponsors -this could happen again. However one has to remember that the other two regional powers at the time, Egypt (also Greek, but not friends with the Greeks based in Syria) and Rome (growing but not yet trying to conquer the eastern Mediterranean) supported Israeli independence as a way of weakening the Greek regime in Syria. Because the Arabs are scared of Israel, Israel isn’t likely to be buffer state in their eyes (though that explains most western support Israel – as a way of keeping the Arabs disrupted).