Reply To: Beshow vs. Dating

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did I say 4-5/1-2 years is the way to go? maybe read my posts alittle more closely before commenting like this…

postal said-

“The fact is they don’t work and are much worse than dating, or beshowing, much less. You’ll NEVER REALLY get to know a person until you are married to them. Even if you dated them 5 years beforehand.”

this was covered in an earlier post of mine;) refer to post number 3-

“ok you can say you only get to know the person after your married. However I’d say you see alot more through dating than you would see on a Beshow. I also think it’s important for a potential couple to discuss thier views and plans for THIER future rather than have the parents decide what’s best for them. talking things through avoids Alot more resentment later on.”