“oomis, Ben?Yehuda was not only frei, he passionately despised Torah observant Yidden. Loshon Kodesh has not been an everyday language for mundane matters. And ivrit is certainly not Loshon Hakodesh. (Loshon Hatumah is more apt.) “
I totally accept that I was mistaken about him, but how any Yid can have the misguided intention to call Ivrit, WHICH IS LOSHON KODESH, what you said (I cannot even bring myself to type it), is not only beyond me, but makes me very sad for you.
Hashem is the One who created Ivrit, not Ben-Yehudah. For you to say anything else borders on what was that word you like so much… oh yes, kefira. I cannot say that I am not disappointed to learn that the one who made modern Hebrew more readily available to all Jews was an irreligious man who “passionately despised…etc” but to refer pejoratively to the Hebrew language, which not only comes directly from the Torah, but which is the language that Am Yisroel spoke for over three thousand years, is something I would never have expected from a frum person. I frankly am very surprised that the Moderators let you post such a thing.