This discussion is really just going in circles. The bottom line is, Yiddish had a certain practicality and chashivus when it was THE universal language of Jews. It no longer is. English and Hebrew both have a greater connection. More Torah(not Toirah, Teyrah, or any other mispronunciation of the Hebrew word for our Holy Scriptures) is being learned today as a result of the countless seforim written in both of those languages, than any amount of Yiddish. There is great value in the Yiddish of yesteryear, but if you want to hear inappropriate use of Yiddish, it is to be found everywhere. Listen to any Catskills stand up comic, and to the vernacular on the streets of NY. The fact that some people speak abominably and inappropriately in Yiddish, does not invalidate the crucial role it played in unitng the Jews of Eastern (not Western) Europe. Neither does the fact that Ben-Yehudah or his ilk misused Judaism , invalidate their contribution. Mekal melamdei hiskalti, even from a rasha gamur (and maybe that is B-Y’s one zechus in life, that he brought Loshon Kodesh back into style and usage. That old European Shtetl generation is long gone, they moved to the USA and Israel, and it’s time for their descendents to allow English and Hebrew to serve the purpose that Yiddish once did. They already are anyway.