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Jothar – My Rebbe Muvhak.

Did any of the naysayers here ever contact the Gedolim and Rabbonim that teach Torah, give shiurim and speak in Yiddish with your litany of taaina’s against them?

“However, I disagree with Joseph, who posted earlier that he respects those who speak Yiddish as a first language at home. I don’t like the fact that Mexicans only speak Spanish, and don’t speak English. Why should Chassidim be different? I’ve met Chassidim who don’t speak English, or only speak very little English. English should be your first language if you live in the US.”

Feif – Because Yidden are supposed to be different than the goyim in how we dress and talk (and just about everything else.)

“Joseph- what would cherrybim, squeak, Itzik & notpashut do without your haskama 😉

areivim – Its like a Badatz hechsher. Some people are machmir, while others couldn’t care less.