“Our Yeshivah bochurim are on a daily basis being protected by the soldiers (including frum young men) in that “treifeneh medina.” So it behooves all of us to refrain from slinging mud at Israel.”
The fact that soldiers serve as part of an army which is run in a way contrary to everything the Torah stands for to protect me doesn’t Kasher up the reshaim who give them their orders.
“According to halacha, all able-bodied men of a certain age are supposed to defend their country.”
That is correct when we have a Melech & or Sanhedrin & E”Y is run according to the Torah – not today.
“Would you also say that E”Y was a treifeneh medinah during the times of the neviim who prophesied about the churban habayis? Klal Yisroel was steeped in tumah and aveiros, but that does not treif up the medinah,”
I don’t know what it says in your chumash, but in mine it says some pretty harsh words (which maybe you feel are insensetive) for the people you sympathize with. (Vayikra 18; 27-30)
“one who uses such language when speaking about the Jews who live there and their government, is speaking loshon hara at the very least. “
First of all as you know, I live here & have already said that my comments are directed at the reshaim who run the country, not the residents.
Second,I refer you to sefer Chofetz Chaim klal 8 halacha 5 which you apparently have not seen recently.
“If changes need to be made, we hope some day they will be made. But the Jews who B”EH built up a beautiful country out of arid desert and sand, should not be maligned.”
The jews who collaberated with the Nazis to prevent hundreds of thousands of frum yidden from leaving Hungary & left them to die because it would get in the way of their “Zionist ideal” SHOULD BE MALIGNED.
The jews who forcefully separated innocent Taimani children from their frum parents, cut off their payos, fed them treife food & raised them on irreligios kibbutzim without a trace of religion SHOULD BE MALIGNED.
The jews who have created a public school system in which 98% of children can’t finish the Passuk Shema Yisroel but in which 99% are familiar with Mickey Mouse SHOULD BE MALIGNED.
Let me tell you something oomis. In the time of R’ Yaakov Emden there were animal rights activists who would turn the world upside down to save a cat – sound familiar no? He was asked how could it be that these very same people are the biggest achzorim when it comes to having rachmanus on Human Beings – sound familiar, no?
He answered with a big yesod, he said that a person has within himself a only certain amount of rachmanus he can feel. Being that these people use their full capacity of rachmanus for animals, they have none left for human beings.
oomis, don’t fall into the same trap.