Notpashut,on a public forum, a person may offer any opinion he or she chooses, if it done with respect, without rancor, and without use of pejorative language intending to hurt others. You may not like the opinion, you may feel the person is a fool – likewise there may be someone who is similarly inclined when you post ;). Whether or not either party is correct is not always important. This is an open forum. SO if you want to post on the cooking thread and offer your opinions galore, I will be delighted to read them. Who knows – you might have something of value to contribute, from your own untutored observations. You DO like to EAT, don’t you???? Well, there’s a potentially good opinion right there!
And Joseph, HISTORY is a prime makor. And Jothar virtually always brings sources when he makes a statement. That’s what makes his posts so well-informed.