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well, time to prove one’s point. I spent Shabbos and more looking for the famous “mekor” that jsopeh claims fro mthe Chassam Sofer. unless i am blind ,it sure is not in teshuvos Even Ho’ezer Chelek bais simon Yud alef (E’H 2; 11 ,as he writes) it is not even in chelek rishon teshuvo Yud alef. IF yo udoubt me that I looked it up. the teshuvo in chelek bais deals with a get in pest (hungary0 where a critical part was missing and the teshuva in chelek alef deals with a man who has a wife who r”l is mentally disabeld and what to do then. I read through most of these two teshuvos and nowhere did I see any reference to yiddish.

If you meant Shulchan Aruch Even Ho’ezer Siman bais, well there is no “hagohos chassam sofer’ on even ho’ezer.

so, pleasem joseph, can you tell us where that famous chassam is? (jothar, maybe you can find it)