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“they made yidden look like backward radicals.”

And in the yidden’s eyes, the goyim that deny Torah look just as backwards. It goes both ways. What’s your point?

“there are literally millions on non frum jews and gentiles reading this story to whom the concept of tznius to this extent is foreign and they think we are flat out crazy! read the comments!”

Again, what’s your point? It’s not the Torah-observant Jews fault that the non frum jews & goyim have no concept of modesty.

“I know the newspaper had no intention of causing this outcry but unfortunately it has occurred. there are many who are comparing us to radical muslims, not exactly the image we care to cultivate.”

Jews are being compared to “radical muslims”? Radical muslims drive planes into buildings, shoot missiles at school buses, blow up houses of worship & beat/shoot/behead woman. How is it the Jews fault that the world wants to blind itself from the fact that Jews have NOT done anything like this?