Reply To: Firestorm After �Der Zeitung� Deletes Hillary Clinton from Iconic Photo

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Who cares? All their readers know that women are cut out from photos and appreciate it. This is one of the reasons why we buy frum newspapers.

But the people don’t know that Hillary Clinton was there when she, in fact was.

The newspaper had three options that would have been ethical in terms of journalism:

1. Run the photo as is.

2. Not run the photo at all.

3. Alter the photo and include a caption stating that Hillary Clinton and a staffer were there but were removed by the newspaper out of modesty concerns.

Any of those three options would have been acceptable. The newspaper decided to take none of them and instead make their readership believe that no women were present at all. That is simply wrong — it’s a falsification of fact, something that is supposed to be taboo in the newspaper world.

But yeah, I know what you or others will say… I’ve been corrupted by tumahdik American values. How dare I question the holy actions of the newspaper, right? What would a kofer like me know about things like tznius, kedushah and taharah? So, fine… I’m a horrible kofer who doesn’t realize that tznius trumps journalistic standards.

The Wolf