Reply To: Firestorm After �Der Zeitung� Deletes Hillary Clinton from Iconic Photo

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Firestorm After �Der Zeitung� Deletes Hillary Clinton from Iconic Photo Reply To: Firestorm After �Der Zeitung� Deletes Hillary Clinton from Iconic Photo



“When someone on the CR claims he’s a goose farmer from Alaska, is that a falsehood?…If someone presents himself as both a talmid of Rav Yisroel Belsky and Rav Menashe Klein for illustrative purposes, is that a lie?”

It depends on context, for illustrative purposes it isnt a lie. If the person said “I am a close talmid of R’ Belsky and he told me there is no lifnei iver to ask others to carry”

That WOULD be a lie, (I assume you agree, since it is more than just illustrative)

In a newspaper, by definition the context is depicting events on the news pages, This may not be true for an entire paper not in the funny pages, nor in ads which we all know may contain hyporbole, but the news pages are presented as fact. Pictures are not used for “illustrative purpooses” but to show events. Sometimes they are merely illustrative and an honest outlet would label it as such.

I have a question for you. Do you think they should have used a different picture?