Reply To: Kosher Dunkin Donuts in Brooklyn?

Home Forums Kosher Establishments Restaurants Kosher Dunkin Donuts in Brooklyn? Reply To: Kosher Dunkin Donuts in Brooklyn?

☕ DaasYochid ☕

What good is it if the DD offers Cholov Yisroel milk? All the keilim and equipment their using to prepare the drinks are Cholov Stam anyways.

You can buy a coffee. The regular coffee is made in a parve coffeemaker.

How can a microwave be kashered? And why wouldn’t a single incident ruin its kashrus?

Machlokes, but some hold it’s enough to physically clean it, then let a cup of water boil until the oven is filled with steam. A single incident wouldn’t change the halachic rule of achazukei issur lo mechazkinan where it is applicable.