Reply To: Shaitel boycott

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Lior, I won’t dignify your comment with a response.

But to oomis, charlieh, and others- Please read the OP’s post.

This is not a lady asking for shopping or headcovering advice. This is a husband complaining about his wife wanting to make an extravagant purchase. Your posts have major Shalom Bayis destroying potential. Never a good idea. (Charlie, do you usually respond to a friend’s complaint about his spouse by pointing out the superiority and excellence of your own wife?)

AJewwho, examine the issue with the same lens you would employ in a discussion on any large purchase your wife is interested in, while you feel that it strains your budget. This is no different than her buying a pair of designer shoes that cost as much as nine pairs of your loafers. Be happy to have a wife who is female and enjoys looking pretty. (May I hazard a guess that you also are not averse to the idea?) Respect the fact that she has a brain and you can discuss your joint budget in a calm, methodical manner. Make an honest effort to see how much money you can come up with for her to spend on clothing, cosmetics & etc. Chances are, if she sees you’re taking her seriously and trying to accommodate as much as possible, your wife will join in being reasonable as well. And if she is confident that you appreciate her pleasant appearance, she may feel less motivated to put effort into how her friends see her looking when she’s out and about.