Reply To: what are the job options for a bais yaakov type girl?

Home Forums Employment & Business Issues what are the job options for a bais yaakov type girl? Reply To: what are the job options for a bais yaakov type girl?


A “bais yaakov type girl”, like any other girl on the planet, can obtain proper training and become an accountant, a nurse, a lawyer, an architect, a doctor, engineer, pharmacist, dentist, physical therapist, programmer or one of a million other professions out there. Sure these jobs involve hard work, but so does being a babysitter, a secretary, a house-cleaner, a cashier, or just being poor because so many of these positions offer small compensation, benefits, and relative job-security.

The training for some of these professions is intense but doable (tens of thousands people do it every year), and can be done in an appropriate quality setting.