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Home Forums Employment & Business Issues what are the job options for a bais yaakov type girl? Reply To: what are the job options for a bais yaakov type girl?


And I don’t see why most people on this thread think that unless one has a degree, they can’t succeed in life. That’s awfully closed minded!

While its true one can succeed without a degree, having a degree increases the chances of success. If you come from money and get into family business you can succeed without a degree, but if you dont have a family business and need to get ahead on your own a degree to get a better job.

In general “Jewish Jobs (Rabbis, Chinuch, Shteitech, Masghichim etc) ” dont pay very well, you need to work with the greater society to make more money.

Of course you will find people with degrees who are failures and people without success. But take 100 of each and see where the majority of the people are