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two dots

Everyone is making a whole big deal about “yeshivish”.

In reality “yeshivisih” is just a fad. Anyone who is in yeshiva knows that just wearing a white shirt does not make you “yeshiviah”.

Go to a yeshiva which people consider “yeshivish” and guys will say, well, he’s “yehivish” hes not etc…

So “yeshiviah” is not simply white shirt its more than that because ITS A FAD.


Payos plays a role. Do you only have sideburns or do you have that stuff stuck behind your ears.

Do your tzizis hang out.

Very important! How do you talk? Do you interject your speach with arimaic words? How much do you do it? Do you use Yiddish words?

There are different levels. e.g. If you say “recht” instead of “right” or “yankev” instead of “yaakov” you are VERY yeshivish.

If you just use standard yeshivish lingo like “mamish” you might be regular yeshivish.

To a certain extent “coolness” goes along with “yeshivish” So you can have a guy who doesnt do all of the above things, only some, but he makes up for it by being “with it”. So he will be a “cool, yehsivish” type, which is a hot commodity in the yeshivish world.

For example, he may get real involved in learning and use all the lingo, he might even start changing his accent by sounding a bit more chassidishy with a rougher tone but hes got a hot pair of glasses (rimless, wide thick sides, colorful) or perhaps black loafers with a strong white stitch (sure sign of big “cool yeshivish” desire). That combo is “in” in a lot of “yeshivish” places.

Other signs could be:

Wearing the jacket slinked over the shoulders, not the correct way of wearing it. (very yeshivish)

Putting your head down for a nap and putting your jacket over you.

(very yeshivsh)

plain black suit with eye catching tie. Nowadays if it has alot of stuff going on inside like fowers or twirls its in. (cool yeshivish)

etc. etc. etc.

My point is, not to be sarcastic (maybe a little) but to show that “yeshivish” is not “frum” or anything associated with real yiddishkeit. ITS A FAD.

Now that doesnt make it terrible. In other times or in other places, other things are in. In some circles Money, movies, girls etc. is in. And that is a shanda. “yesivish” is certainly better than that.

True frumkeit is rated by one thing and one thing only:

How well does he keep shulchan aruch. (including the “fifth” chelek)

Does he daven with a minyan?

Does he talk during Davining?

Does he speak Lashon Harah?

Is he a bal gaavah?

Is he serious about Torah study?

Does he watch movies? What kind of movies?

How are his middos? is he a nice kind peson?

Does he harbor hatred in his heart?

Does he engage in bitul torah during learning?

How many coffee breaks does he take per seder?

etc. etc. etc.

What he wears is important to an extent. It gives a general idea of where a man is in society. But it in no way at als defines a mans state of yiddishkeit.