Reply To: How Much Below the Knee Should a Skirt be?

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar How Much Below the Knee Should a Skirt be? Reply To: How Much Below the Knee Should a Skirt be?


I think I was misunderstood. I was primarily trying to point out the difference between factual occurrences and halachic psak. If halacha (hypothetically) says that every women may not go out in the street wearing any clothing that does not guarantee complete coverage in any circumstance, it is still up to the individual to determine whether indeed that coverage is happening. “4 inches” or 17 inches notwithstanding.

The lesser point I was trying to bring up is what does halacha say regarding women dressing? I read through oz vehadar levusha (which seems to be the only recent “scholarly” quasi attempt at defining the rules)and found it nearly devoid of persuasive halakhic authority on the exact limits. It is full of emotional rhetoric and while perhaps inspiring to some, I feel strongly that it does more harm than good.

Some halachos of tznius are flexible depending on the minhag of the place and a few are not. Which are which? I’ve seen this discussed before here and elsewhere, and I’m bringing it up because instead of everyone announcing whatever plops into their head about how others should dress, shouldn’t they learn and know something first?

Lior-obviously, when a person keeps saying “obviously” without it being obvious, the person has lost the argument. 85% no, but 99.9% yes? If the issur is one of lifnei iver how far must one go crazy? Is this maachilo beyadayim? Why aren’t veils required at all times for the few people who will have bad thoughts? Lifnei iver could only restrict a person so much… What other issurim are there?